View from MarketHype's automation tool

What are automations?

Automation is the use of technology and software to automate a marketing task. Simply put, it can be an SMS or email campaign that is sent automatically based on predefined settings. Automations save you time by reducing recurring and time-consuming tasks.

However, automations are more than just efficient. They are also fantastic for spreading information, increasing sales, and building stronger customer relationships. In the event and hotel industry, automations are especially valuable. The window from when a customer buys a ticket or makes a booking until the experience occurs, offers several opportunities to communicate with the customer. You can provide tips on fun activities a few weeks before, talk about add-ons that will make the visit extra memorable, and provide important information before the visit. Or why not send out a customer survey after the event or stay?

Six reasons

Let automations become your new best friend

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Automations + information = true! Send important information before the visit, event or hotel night so that the customer feels as prepared as possible. At the same time, you let the pressure on your customer service decrease.

Icon: growing bars and an arrow


Tell the visitor about various options – such as a massage, a signed fan shirt or bubbles on arrival – for extra luxury and a strengthened customer experience. In addition, your sales figures rise.

Icon: Heart with a plus

Customer satisfaction

If you provide the customer with important information and show availability, you give the customer the conditions to fully enjoy the visit. This in turn results in higher customer satisfaction and better service.

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Relevant communication

With MarketHype, you can filter among your customers and create automations that are relevant to specific recipients. Maybe one automation should be sent to all your guests but the other should go to those who haven't bought any extras yet?

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Cost effective

When the communication is relevant, the opportunities for additional sales are many and you save a lot of time, the marketing can only be cost-effective.

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Channel simultaneous visibility

When creating and distributing your automations, be sure to plan for simultaneous channel visibility at the same time. You need to be present in several channels and tap the customer several times for the customer to continue being or becoming a customer.

Woman with brown hair

"Automations are a win-win for both visitors and employees! They are easy for the guests to use and easy for the marketing department to manage."

Teresa Vikstedt

Digital Marketing Manager, Göteborgs Symfoniker


Free up time with automations

Automations are the ultimate time-savers – say goodbye to repetitive marketing tasks! Set up automations for new concert productions, football seasons, or theater productions, select your target audience, and let the automations do the rest.

No more hassle with exporting and importing CSV lists – your targeted recipient lists are automatically updated before each mailing. Smart and foolproof!

Animated GIF showing how automations work. When the clock strikes a certain beat, an SMS and an e-mail are automatically sent to a woman.
Personal mailings

Automations + personalization = true!

Automations are anything but cold and impersonal. You can even make them truly personal!

Our tools offer a variety of features for segmentation and personalization. You'll find merge tags that pull in information like recipient names, event start times, and order numbers. You'll find filters that automatically reach different recipients based on their purchase history. And last but not least, you'll find functionality for customized mailings, where you can send different parts of the mailing to different audiences based on purpose, event, and recipient. Smart – and truly personal!

View from MarketHype's customizable email tool

79.2% Open Rate in MarketHype

Did you know that the Average Open Rate for MarketHype's automations is a whopping 79.2 percent? And that you can see what your automations generate in sales, in black and white? Magical, we know! With MarketHype, you get full control of what your automations actually deliver. Everything so that you can create the best communication possible – both before, during and after an event or visit.

Views showing sales generated and open rate
Customer journey

Extend the customer journey with automations

Setting up an automation before an event is smart. Having multiple automations – that run before, during, and after an event – is even smarter!

When you sell experiences and memories, you can engage with your customers more than you think. Why not have a mix of sales-oriented, informative, and value-adding automations? Automations that are sent both before and long after their visit? Add in birthday automations and you've earned an A+!

Bottom line: extend the customer journey with automations. It will pay off, we promise.

Illustration with faceless people in different colors
Channel selection

Email or SMS? Choose both!

What do you want to say in your automated messages? What do you want to achieve? And how important is your message?

SMS is a fast channel with a high open rate among recipients. This channel is ideal for short information, limited-time offers, and other quick communication. Email is also a great channel, suitable for automations with more design, longer texts, and more links.

Which channel will be your favorite? No matter your answer, you can see all your automations in one view. It couldn't be more transparent!

Example of SMS automation
Customer at MarketHype

This is how it works:

Number one

Data is retrieved

We retrieve all customer data from the ticket or booking system that you use. The data is then cleaned, verified and supplemented with additional customer information, where the data is kept up-to-date and correct – all the time.

Number two

Free customer analysis

We analyze your customer data, get to know your audience and identify important segments. We also go through how you can communicate with and influence your guests through various marketing activities.

Number three

Continuous contact

We love staying in touch! When the onboarding is complete, we will continue inviting you to various follow-ups. It is thanks to your questions, challenges and needs that our service can develop.

Book a demo

Get started today!

MarketHype is your experience marketing system, developed by and for people in the same industry as you. We have broad experience from both ticket systems and events as well as marketing. And now we want to help you get everything in order. From handling the data – to a bigger, happier and more engaged audience.

Do you also want to fill the occupancy faster, tie the customers closer to you and sell more? Book a free demo and we'll tell you more about how we can help you!

Get started
Illustration of man with five hands doing many things at once
Free guide


High relevance is the key to cutting through the noise. Content selected for your customer, formulated for your customer and presented as the customer wants it. But, how do you solve it when you have thousands of visitors to your concerts, performances and hotel facilities? You are a few fire spirits who will fix everything!

Enlist the help of your new best friend: automations! They help you build a personal guest journey that strengthens your relationship with the visitor, while saving time and driving sales.

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